Although this law is no longer in effect, it encouraged education in the metric system of measurement.
Education Amendments of 1974
The Education Amendments of 1974 stated that it is the policy of the United States to encourage educational agencies and institutions to prepare students to use the metric system of measurement as part of the regular education program.
The Education Amendments of 1974 were enacted as Pub. L. 93-380, August 21, 1974 (88 Stat. 546). The metric-related section was added by Title IV, § 403 and codified as 20 USC 1862.
Metric Education Act of 1978
The Metric Education Act of 1978 repealed the earlier law, replacing it with one that authorizes grants and contracts to encourage education agencies and institutions, as a part of the regular education program, to prepare students to use the metric system of measurement.
The Metric Education Act of 1978 was enacted as Pub. L. 95-561, Title III, § 301, Nov. 1, 1978 (92 Stat. 2211), eff. Sept. 30, 1979. § 301(a) added 20 USC 2951, and § 301(b) repealed the earlier law.
Omnibus Education Reconciliation Act of 1981
The Omnibus Education Reconciliation Act of 1981 repealed the earlier law.
The Omnibus Education Reconciliation Act of 1981 was Pub. L. 97-35, Aug. 13, 1981 (95 Stat. 480), eff. Oct. 1, 1982, where Title V, § 587(a)(1) repealed the earlier law.
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This page prepared by USMA member Gary Brown.
Updated: 2005-01-20