The following pages from the Journal of the House of Representatives and the Journal of the Senate show some of the events during the life of H.R. 596, An Act to authorize the use of the metric system of weights and measures, in the 39th Congress, and the law itself as published in the Statutes at Large. Relevant paragraphs are highlighted.
Journal of the House, May 17, 1866
On May 17, 1866, the Journal of the House of Representatives records the introduction and passage of the bill:
Journal of the Senate, May 18, 1866
On May 18, 1866, the Journal of the Senate reports the House passing H.R. 596:
Journal of the Senate, May 20, 1866
On May 20, 1866, the Journal of the Senate reports the first reading of H.R. 596 in the Senate and its referral to Committee:
Journal of the Senate, July 27, 1866
On July 27, 1866, the Journal of the Senate reports the Senate’s passing of H.R. 596:
Journal of the House, July 28, 1866
On July 28, 1866, the Journal of the House of Representatives reports the bill being sent to the President of the US and later returned with his signature:
Statutes at Large
Finally, here is a copy of the law itself from the Statutes at Large.
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This page prepared by USMA member Gary Brown.
Updated: 2005-02-06